purpose, seeking God

I Have Need of Quiet Time

The woman of God spoke life over me as I shared with her the mission/purpose God had given to me to pursue.  When I was sharing with her the vision that the Lord showed me over 3 years ago when He healed me from my depression; I could see in her eyes that she could see it too!  As I began to share my testimony of where God had bought me from she began to feel the passion in my spirit for what God had called me to.

It was an amazing encounter to say the least, as we were in a hospital room with my mother recovering from back surgery.  The woman of God got up and came to me and began to pray over my life.  She spoke to me as God gave her revelation for my life and I began to cry.  As she touch my hands I felt the spirit of God transcend from her spirit to mine and I knew she was who she says she is, a woman of the most high God!

The words that she spoke were nothing new to my ear as it all was confirmation of what God had promised me years ago. Now He was using someone to let me know that it was Him who had a plan for my life.

The one thing that she said that stood out for me was; “it time for new beginnings”, a new life everything would be changed, this was the time.  So I decided that I would embrace these words and begin my journey into a “life makeover” with God.  But only a few weeks into the life makeover challenge I began to feel very week in my physical body, as well as, my spirit, and the zeal began to wane.

The Lord gently spoke to me and said; “you need quiet time with me”!  I heard God loud and clear and so I have decided to be obedient and go away from all that I am doing and seek His face.  Without Him I can’t do any of this, I can have no power in executing the things that He has shown me.  The purpose that He has given me is so much more important than me that I will not compromise its outcome for anything!

So I am going away, perhaps not physically, but emotionally and spiritually I have to go away to be with God and allow Him to make me over in the way that only He can.  I solicit your prayers during this time that I would remain faithful to my purpose and to God.  That I would come back to my purpose/mission with more clarity, more vivid directions, and more importantly more zeal for my life as God sees it!

I pray that each of you will remain faithful to your purpose and if you need quiet time with God don’t put it off do it now!

Blessings – The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

Challenges, coach, depression, Faith, purpose, seeking God

Every Day A Challenge

Even though, I am living my life on purpose now and far from the land of depression that I suffered a short few years ago, I still have challenges.

Every day is a challenge for me; something is always evolving from situation that I would rather not have to face.  But this just life.  I have to face my challenges and I do, sometimes with zeal, prayer and supplication.  Other times not so much.  I run to my friends for encouragement (while nothing is wrong with that), I come to know that really I need to seek God first in everything.

All of us have challenges we face on a daily basis, but our choice in how we face them is the key to getting through them in the shortest, most productive way that we can.  For me it’s prayer (conversations) with God directly.

Sure I can call on my friends, however, they have their challenges too and so they may not have the energy to deal with me at that particular time.  So  now I feel left out, I feel not valued or loved, but no I need to understand that my issues are just that – mine.

Trust me when I say that when I was engulfed in my depression there was no one and I mean no one that could come to my aid.  But the lesson I learned from that is that God wanted me to look to Him for everything that I needed during that time.  It was a lesson in FAITH and it has prepared me for the things that would come my way.

Find your comfort in facing your challenges, but do face them.  The worst thing that we can do is bury our heads in the sand, or couch and try to pretend that they don’t exist.  It will only get worse.  But next time seek God for the answers of how to deal with your challenge in a more spiritual way and see how He will orchestrate the outcome for you.

Join our new Life Coaching Program – STAGES to give you  the tools to navigate life in a more excellent way and catapult you into a life of purpose.  Email – lisa@thebutterflyjourney.net

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

be all you can be, change, life, seeking God, start living

Got Life?

Life is not a spectator sport.  On the contrary, you need to get out there and take the bull by the horns and shake things up!  If you don’t do it for yourself, who is going to do it?

I have seen people live their lives with no enthusiasm, no zeal, no dreams, no aspiration and die unfulfilled.  Why would you to do that?  Often times it’s because no one took the time to inspire or motivate them to become their “greatest” selves.  Me, myself I am my greatest motivator!  I desire to have something better than what my life was yesterday.  I knew in my knower that there must be something more to life than just living.  It has to be more than walking around like a robot, being humdrum and just surviving.

But guess what it takes some effort on your part.  Amazing discovery I know, but seriously how is your life going to change if you don’t participate in the change process.  If you never pursue filling that void, how are you going to know if you ever reach it or not.

Back to what I know best; God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.  Okay, so you don’t believe in God, now what?  But why don’t you believe?  Do you have any proof that He is not real?  What would it cost you to seek Him?  A better life, a sense of peace, joy when you need it, the experiencing of a love that is so profound that it amazes you?  These are the things, the experiences that you can have with God.

Many have passed away never really experiencing life the way that it should be experienced.  Sad but it’s true.  You know we all have our moments of reflection when we see how fragile this life we have is and it is at those moments that I want to run and jump and be fully embraced in my life.  I had such a moment last night sitting in the ICU waiting room, while my nephew was lying in the hospital bed breathing with the help of a machine and tubes coming from everywhere on his body.  He is only 18 years old!  Fragile!  As I prayed over him, I asked God to not only heal his body but also his soul.  I asked God to give him a zeal for life that he would never take it for granted, but live it to the fullest potential in God.

You have to be a participant in your life.  We can’t all walk around victims of our circumstances or the world would be in a worse state than it is right now.  If you have a life, start living it to its fullest potential.

The Butterfly Journey – Lisa

depression, destiny, dreams, purpose, seeking God

Where Are You?

One of my favorite phrases was; “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.”  And I used that phrase up until a few years ago!  I have been grown for quite some time, but I never really knew what it was I was supposed to do, or that I was good at.  I used to envy those who said they have known since they were kids that they wanted to be a certain profession or accomplish a certain thing in their life.

I figured out that if I had stopped and reflected on my life and my experiences I may have understood what my role in life was far before now.  However, I was too busy doing life, working, taking care of my family, and just being.  I had dreams and aspirations, but I still didn’t know exactly what they were.  But I knew it was more than what I was experiencing.

I had to find out where I was in order to understand where I was going.  And God helped me with that, but it was after a terrible, long, bout with depression that He showed me my purpose.  Seems ironic I know, but until I knew where I was or had been and understood all the experiences that I had suffered I couldn’t grasp the purpose that God had for my life.

The first thing that God had to show me was me.  Like the caterpillar’s journey to becoming a butterfly, my life had to be broken down (literally it was during the depression) just like when the caterpillar goes into the cocoon.  When the caterpillar goes into the cocoon (chrysalis), its safe place, it is broken down and liquified and it begins its change.  There in the midst of the depression I began my change.  The caterpillar knows their purpose and destiny is to become a butterfly.  But for me I didn’t know what my life would become after that.  I didn’t even know if I would make it out of that stage of my change.  But you know what, I only could depend on God that He would see me through and that my friends was my life-changing lesson.  God was the only one that I could depend on from that point forward.

So you see, knowing where you are right now is very important to your process of transforming.  This is your opportunity to seek God for what it is that He has for your life and start living an extraordinary life with purpose!  I wouldn’t have chosen the path of depression as my lesson to find out my purpose and my worth, but today I wouldn’t change my experience for the world.  It was there that I learned to cling to God and our relationship has become one I would never want to lose.

Where are you today, do you know?

The Butterfly Journey – Lisa



change, destiny, Faith, God, grace, life, prayer, preparing for transformation, seeking God

Preparing for Transformation

Before we can begin to start our “butterfly journey”, we must first prepare for transformation.  How do you do that, you ask?  It’s not easy!

First we need to change our mindset towards ourselves and recognize that we can’t do this alone.  That there is more to life than just living the way we have been.  We need God to help us through and we need each other to encourage one another along the way.  We have to build trust in God’s process.  Most importantly we need to desire the change.  We have to get tired of being tired of the way that things are with our lives.

Our desire to seek our “true” destiny has to be stronger than turning back or remaining in a life that is dead and unfruitful.  We need to acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers to life and we need God to help us.  We need to begin the purging process and that takes a lot of courage.

You will need to dig deep into yourself to identify the places in your life that need to be understood and then buried.  Asking, praying, and seeking God for those answers is our key to moving beyond our past and starting anew.  I literally had to relive those places in my life that were not so wonderful and ask God to show me why I made the choices that I did and how to move past the hurt and disappointment that people had left in my life and things that I myself had deposited in my spirit.  I had to allow Him to purge me from those things that were keeping me from understanding my “true” worth in Him.

We can’t skip this part of the process because it prepares us for the transformation stage; which in itself is a tough process.  You have to put your trust in a God that you can’t see, but you can feel His love, grace, and peace all around you!

It’s time for you to prepare, let’s go!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa



God, purpose, seeking God, the butterfly journey, try one more thing

Try One More Thing

I was having lunch with a few close friends the other day and they were going through some “stuff” in their lives.  Trying desperately to find their purpose and move into their destiny.  I know it is frustrating for them to feel like they are just “being” and not making progress towards their true life purposes.

As I listened to them explain about all the things they had tried to help them figure out the “why” of their lives; I began to go directly into my spiritual self.  I know what they need to help them; this is what I do in my ministry, but how do I say it to them?  So without biting my tongue I asked them if they tried praying to God?  Their responses came all at once back to me laden with excuses of why they never tried God.  Sad but true for a lot of people that I know.  I see them struggling in life for answers that I know for sure they will never find in the places that they are searching.

I understand all too well that you can’t take your friends by the hand and lead them to God,  but I can show them how much He has done for me through my life.  After years of trying my own way and failing I finally was in a position to only seek Him.  I suffered with depression for over 2 years!  No one could help me in the place that I was in not even if I wanted them to.  God planned it that way for me, because He knew any other way would not have been the personal connection that I needed so much.  And that is what my friends need, they have to get to a place where nothing else works and finally realize that and turn to God.

He is right there waiting for us all to come to the realization that there is no earthly thing that can fill a void that only He can fill.  He designed us to seek Him for our lives.  When you understand that you need to go directly back to the Creator to find out your purpose; your life will be so much more exciting and pleasurable.  Unfortunately, I have to watch my friends wiggle and wrangle  with their lives until they turn and seek God.  And I continue to pray for them to get tired of trying all the other “stuff” soon so that they can live a life of purpose!

It doesn’t cost anything to try God, He is free.  Unlike all the “stuff” that is out on the market today that promises it will get you to a place of purpose only to fail and have you spending more money than you can afford and going back to the same place that you began.  Just like the hamster on the little wheel; and around and around you go!  Making no progress at all.

If you have tried to self medicate yourself with the “things” of this world and have tried every coaching system, read every book, met with every counselor, every guru, and everything else and have had no success; try one more thing for me . . .

Try God and let me know what happens!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

change, Day 3, Down the Path of Worthy, God, journey, letter, New, seeking God, the butterfly journey

The Journey Day 3

We are really moving now!  Day 3 we wrote one last letter.  We wrote a letter to God from us.

In this letter we had to express to God everything that we are, what we were not and all the little things in between.  We took this opportunity to ask God questions about our lives.  The things that have happened to us that have shaped the person that we are today.  We asked about the things that happened to us that we did not understand.

Even though we understood that God already knows these things it was important for us to write it out for ourselves.  The exercise allowed us to reflect on our lives the good, the bad, and the ugly and just let it all out on paper.  We believe that it is very therapeutic to write.  It allows you the opportunity to express what may be inside but no other opportunity to release.  We must purge those thoughts and pains out in order to allow the good things and new things into our spirit and heart.  We will now be able to allow our minds to receive the new ideas to flow into us so that change can transform us.

We told God how we viewed Him in our lives and then gave thanks for the things that He has given unto us through out the years.  It was a time to give thanks!

What do you need to tell God?  Write Him a letter today!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

Day 2, Down the Path of Worthy, God, journey, letter, seeking God, the butterfly journey

The Journey Day 2

We are well on our way to understanding our “true” worth!  Day 2 we wanted to discover how we “think” that God feels about us.  We wrote a letter to ourselves from God.

We took this opportunity to reflect on how we feel God sees us.  This was a very sobering task as we had to reflect on the things we have done or not done; things that perhaps God would be pleased with or not so much.

This exercise made us think about the blessings that God has given to us even when we may not have deserved it, but yet He still blessed and loved us.  We are hot now on the pursuit of finding that “true” worth.

As the letters came in we could see that everyone found that sweet spot of how God loves us any way we are and that my friend is “true” worth.

What would God say to you?

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

destiny, God, journey, life, love, prayer, purpose, seeking God, the butterfly journey, travel, women, worthy

The Journey Part I

Today a group of adventurous women have set out on their “butterfly” journey!  Our first trek is “Down the Path of Worthy”; were we are seeking clarity and understanding of what our “true” worth is.  Until we understand this foundational point we will not understand our purpose.

We live in a world full of things to connect our worth to, but unfortunately those things are not our “true” worth nor do they hold any substance.  They are temporal and once they fade away then our worth goes along with it.

That is why it is so important to understand what God ordained as our worth.  The way He classifies us as worthy is much more than anything or anyone in this world.  It is of an eternal substance and will not wither away with the passing of time.

Our “true” worth is directly connected to our purpose.  So once we understand that pivotal point we are well on our way to understanding our destiny!  There is no better feeling than to walk in one’s destiny!  Until you are walking in your destiny your life is ordinary and feels like it has no basis.  Do you ever ask yourself what is it all for?  Waking up, going to work/school, back home to start all over again.  If God created you don’t you believe He had something marvelous in mind for your life?

Well He does, but you need to get deep into the things of Him to understand  and start living it.  That is what the butterfly journey is all about.  This month is only the beginning of a series of journeys that we will take.  There is a definite process to finding your true destiny.

I pray that you will join us on one or all of the journeys as we discover life!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

believer, blessed, book, change, finding God, God, grace, hope, message, purpose, seeking God, success, the butterfly journey, vessel

Seeking God!

I have been working on writing my first book for almost a year.  I was writing steady in the beginning and as I approached the final part, I have stopped writing at all.  Coming up with excuses, becoming busy with all this other “stuff” and my energy level has basically plummeted to zero!  What happened?

I am scared of the outcome; I have become afraid of the success of the message.  But God reminded me as I sought after Him this morning that it is His book.  He wrote the words, I have just been the vessel that He used to get the message out.  I have lived out the message in my own life to be qualified to share this message of hope.  I need not be afraid of its success because it is not about me personally; it is about someone finding God for their life.

I realized that during the time of not writing I was not seeking God for direction or clarity for my life.  I started relying in myself and others.  I was stepping away from the true purpose of the book and my life’s mission.  I was delaying the positive effects I know this book will have on the lives that are waiting to be changed.

But when  I sought after God, He showed me everything that I needed for my life and the completion of this project.  He gave me clarity on my purpose!

If you are a believer, then you know how important it is to stay connected to God and seek Him in all things!  You can’t rely on Him for only parts of your life, He needs to be in every aspect.  So as  I live and grow in His grace, I understand more and more I can’t do anything without Him and I don’t even want to try.

If you are going through anything today that you can’t figure out, seek God!  He has the answers that are so much greater than your own.

Be blessed so that you can be a blessing!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa