believer, Faith, God, the butterfly journey

Can You Imagine?

believe2Can you imagine what our life would be like if we truly believed in God for who He really is?  That is a question that I have pondered over the last several weeks and the other night I was having dinner with a close friend of mine and she asked me this same question!

What if we really believed in the God that we serve for who He really is?  What would our lives and the lives of those around us look like?  Yes, I know what you are thinking, if we are Christians then we do believe.  But go along with me for a minute.

How many times in your life have you wavered in your faith?  It is easy to believe when things are going well and blessings are flowing freely, but what about the times when things get a little scary and unknown?  Do we still hold to the same level of faith and belief in God that we should?  I am just asking the question because in my own life I have wondered and doubted my own faith when things came out of nowhere to “test” what I believe.  My stance wasn’t so sure, my confidence wasn’t so strong and truth be told I was pondering will this all work out for my good?

As the world in which we live becomes more and more complex and troubling will we have the level of faith that Israel had when they found themselves stuck between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army?  Would we have stepped into the sea to escape or would we have retreated back to the place that threatened our freedom?  I often wonder if I would have been so trusting in such a scary situation.

But the hope is that we can believe and trust in God!  We can build our faith and belief to limits that go beyond our own understanding, if we just continue to believe.  We can believe that God is who He says He is by having a “true” relationship with Him.  We can stand firm in the midst of trouble, pain and the unknown if we position our hearts to know Him (God).  Trust begins with knowing and knowing starts with realizing that we can’t live this life alone outside of God.  He is the one who holds the future and knows all things!

As your relationship with God develops and you begin to see that He is faithful and gracious to us, we begin to build a bond with Him that can never be broken unless we decide to turn away.

If we begin to believe God for who He is then and only then can we be a force that could change the world!  Will you believe with me?

The Butterfly Journey

believer, Challenges, change, coach, finding God, Life Coach, wisdom

Turn the Page

It’s time to turn the page in your book of life.  Time to write the next chapter as you see it vividly through God’s eyes.

Matthew 6:33 says; “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” NIV  When we finally come to the conclusion that God is there for us and we can look to Him for our everything, He will make it plain the plan He has for you and help you in the struggles of life that you face.  So all the areas in your life that you want to makeover really need to start with a belief in God.  What we will do over the next 6 months are things that will help you make positive move towards those goals, but it isn’t solidified until you choose God to lead you through life.

You don’t have to believe to understand biblical principles, but you must believe in order to activate them.  We are always going to refer back to our foundation – God during this journey.  It is not the only thing we know, but it is the best.  We will never push our beliefs on you, but we want to invite you to try this God that we speak about.

One thing I know for sure is that God has amazing things that He wants to show you and share with you, and you freely have the choice to choose His gifts!

Since we have reflected on our lives, taken an honest look at where we are in our lives, we should now be able to turn the page of our lives to begin to re-write the script of who we are.  This 6-month challenge is not going to be easy for some, it is not all going to be happy, happy, joy, joy; there are things that we will need to face in order to move forward into the life we desire.  So stick with me on this one, I promise that if you try at least some of the action steps that you not be disappointed.

Day 2 Action Step – Let’s start with wisdom, now you know I disclosed in the beginning that most of the areas that we will touch on will have multiple meanings and this is one of them.  This step will have a dual action step so pay close attention.  Part 1 – If you have a church home and are not attending regular bible-study then now is the time.  Make the sacrifice to join and be committed to it.  I have decided that I was going to join my fiance in studying the bible in a year, we started a while back, but I admit it was me that slacked off.  But I am going to call him right now, and ask that we start back up or at least that I start back up with him.  If you don’t have a church home that you belong to I am sure that any fellowship in your area will welcome you to attend their study.  Part 2 – What is it that you desire to do with your career?  Want that promotion, want to become an entrepreneur?  Then let’s takes a course!  Find out what you have to do to sign up for either a credit course or continuing education course that you would enjoy and invest in yourself for a change.  Don’t give me any excuses because I have used all of the myself, just do it!

I hope that this challenge will catapult you into the person that you desire to be, you know the life that you daydream about it only takes commitment and effort, I’m giving you the tools for free!

See you around campus!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

believer, blessed, book, change, finding God, God, grace, hope, message, purpose, seeking God, success, the butterfly journey, vessel

Seeking God!

I have been working on writing my first book for almost a year.  I was writing steady in the beginning and as I approached the final part, I have stopped writing at all.  Coming up with excuses, becoming busy with all this other “stuff” and my energy level has basically plummeted to zero!  What happened?

I am scared of the outcome; I have become afraid of the success of the message.  But God reminded me as I sought after Him this morning that it is His book.  He wrote the words, I have just been the vessel that He used to get the message out.  I have lived out the message in my own life to be qualified to share this message of hope.  I need not be afraid of its success because it is not about me personally; it is about someone finding God for their life.

I realized that during the time of not writing I was not seeking God for direction or clarity for my life.  I started relying in myself and others.  I was stepping away from the true purpose of the book and my life’s mission.  I was delaying the positive effects I know this book will have on the lives that are waiting to be changed.

But when  I sought after God, He showed me everything that I needed for my life and the completion of this project.  He gave me clarity on my purpose!

If you are a believer, then you know how important it is to stay connected to God and seek Him in all things!  You can’t rely on Him for only parts of your life, He needs to be in every aspect.  So as  I live and grow in His grace, I understand more and more I can’t do anything without Him and I don’t even want to try.

If you are going through anything today that you can’t figure out, seek God!  He has the answers that are so much greater than your own.

Be blessed so that you can be a blessing!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa