blessed, Momma, mother

Momma: We Love You!

Momma is for me and my siblings a word of endearment for our mother.  There so many different names that people call their mothers; mum, mother, mommy, ma and the list goes on.

But it really is the character behind the name that we love so dearly.  And with it being close to mother’s day I thought I would express what my mother means to me.

A mother is someone who nurtures, loves unconditionally, inspires, motivates and so much more.  For most of us our mothers were our first friend in life.  After all our very life came from her.  She shared her body as a safe haven for us when we were yet born.  She fed us the nutrients that we needed to not only survive but to grow.  Some mothers sing to their babies while still inside which makes another strong connection to our closeness.

Still there are women that have never birthed a child from her womb that are called mother.  She is the one that took care of the children that some other mother didn’t know how to love.  Her natural instincts kicked in to show love, to nurture and to inspire a child that was not their own.  She is a rare gem in the world of motherless children.

There are others that we call mom, who are not our biological mothers.  They have taken the place for those who have lost their mothers in some way, shape of form.  It could be that they died during our youth, or they were lost in the world of addiction, or they could have given you up to adoption because they could not care for you.  Whatever the reason, these stand-in mothers are no way any less than your “real” mother.

During slavery, most of the house slaves (or at least some) were responsible for taking care of the children.  The master would choose one who had children herself so that she could continue to breastfeed the master’s baby along with her own.  Oh how sad it was to have raised a baby to adulthood to have them treat you like a second class citizen because of the times they were in.  Even though treated badly they still had love for those children that they nurtured.

My mother you see is a great lady.  Having suffered many hard times in her life she always loved and cared for us the best way she knew how.  After being raised in a time when women, particularly black women were treated so poorly, she never thought she was less.  Teased because of the color of dark skin, never held her back, it only pushed her forward.  For many years at the hand of my own father, she was abused physically and emotionally.  She never failed us.  When she had to raise us alone (all 6 of us) when my father passed away, she keep on moving forward.

I never forget her telling me the horrible stories of her life and I would cry to think that anyone could or would treat my mother so badly.  I can distinctively remember her telling about looking for a job right after my father had died.  She didn’t really have any skills, but she went to the interview for a secretary’s position anyway.  She got the job!  But she didn’t have a car and the company was more than a walk away, but she made it there every day catching rides to and from.  She worked there for over 30 years.  Her final position was Head Secretary to the Vice President of the company!  The only black woman in her time to reach such a high level.  Oh, most of her days she spent crying during her lunch break because they were so mean to her, but she stayed with it.  And God blessed her diligence!

My mother was always my best friend and still is.  At 76 she is still the wind beneath my wings.  I adore her for all that she did, for all she endured, and most of all for all she has taught me about life.  She is my biggest cheerleader and she is that for more than me and my siblings, she has lots of other children that she is a mother to.

It is a good time of year to tell your mother how wonderful you think she is.  For one day we will not have the opportunity.  Momma, I love you!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa


Be Thankful!

I had a wonderful conversation today with my co-workers about “being thankful”.  As we mulled over our complaints about everyday things we began to talk about the disparity that some people face each day of their lives.  These people are not too far removed from us.

I recalled a story that I saw on television about a small poor village in another country that had to survive from the discarded food from local restaurants for food.  One man and his family actually started a business rummaging for the food, cleaning it up, adding seasonings and making a highly popular soup that the locals would buy as their one meal for the day.  They took the little resources that they had to use and not only started a business but provided a way to help others survive.. . literally.

One co-worker told us a story about a place in her native country of El Salvador where the older people whose family didn’t want them or have any means of taking care of them would drop them off and just leave them.  Thankfully, a woman and her young son began to take care of the elderly people left there by feeding them with whatever they had to offer.  My friend’s family visits their native country once a year and always goes shopping for the shelter.  The caregiver is always so overwhelmed with happiness to have chicken to fix the people.  It was like having a feast!

As we all became a little somber of the visual of people struggling to survive the necessity of living we all said that we needed to do  a better job of being thankful for all that we had.  I recalled in my own life that I never had a lot of money, just enough to pay my bills, but yet I have never went to bed hungry, I never had to sleep in the cold and my health (although not the best) is still better than some.  I had to stop for a moment to get myself together after thinking about this.

I need to be more thankful!  We all do.  Just look over your life and take a serious look at your blessings.  It may not be the life that you want right now, but you have a chance to make it better.  God is forever blessing us and we need to be thankful just for the little things that someone, somewhere wish they had.

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

believer, blessed, book, change, finding God, God, grace, hope, message, purpose, seeking God, success, the butterfly journey, vessel

Seeking God!

I have been working on writing my first book for almost a year.  I was writing steady in the beginning and as I approached the final part, I have stopped writing at all.  Coming up with excuses, becoming busy with all this other “stuff” and my energy level has basically plummeted to zero!  What happened?

I am scared of the outcome; I have become afraid of the success of the message.  But God reminded me as I sought after Him this morning that it is His book.  He wrote the words, I have just been the vessel that He used to get the message out.  I have lived out the message in my own life to be qualified to share this message of hope.  I need not be afraid of its success because it is not about me personally; it is about someone finding God for their life.

I realized that during the time of not writing I was not seeking God for direction or clarity for my life.  I started relying in myself and others.  I was stepping away from the true purpose of the book and my life’s mission.  I was delaying the positive effects I know this book will have on the lives that are waiting to be changed.

But when  I sought after God, He showed me everything that I needed for my life and the completion of this project.  He gave me clarity on my purpose!

If you are a believer, then you know how important it is to stay connected to God and seek Him in all things!  You can’t rely on Him for only parts of your life, He needs to be in every aspect.  So as  I live and grow in His grace, I understand more and more I can’t do anything without Him and I don’t even want to try.

If you are going through anything today that you can’t figure out, seek God!  He has the answers that are so much greater than your own.

Be blessed so that you can be a blessing!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa