change, health, motivated


This is an area that I have struggled with most of my life, my weight/health.  I enjoy the benefits of looking good and being healthy just like most people, but I struggle with staying with a healthy regimen.

I use my busy schedule as an excuse, (ok I admit it) to not exercise when I know that it will help me reap the benefits that I long for.  So why can’t I get motivated to move?  I really have no excuses and I am able-bodied and able to walk and have some endurance so I just need to get out there and move.  I know the results will be great and I will feel so much better once I get started, it’s the getting started part.

But since I have decided that I would makeover my life, this part I can’t skip over.  It wouldn’t make much sense to have a made-over life and then be sick.  Ok, ok I get it!

I hope that we can do this together, help motivate each other to move more and eat less and see what results we get at the end of this 6-month challenge!  For me I want to not only be at a healthy weight, but I want to be medication free.  What do you want?

Let’s do this!  Day 6 Action Step – Begin an exercise regimen that you can handle.  Find a buddy to keep you motivated.  Just start today and build up to where you want to be.  We can do this, let’s go!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

change, Faith, God, hurting women, journey, life, motivated, New, purpose

Don’t Just Stand There

If you are anything like me I get motivated by the visions that I have.  I see the end result and am stirred to high motivation.  It is the steps in between that kill my motivation sometimes.  It looks too daunting to complete!  I fall back and retreat from taking the next step; I feel paralyzed.

God is teaching me in my journey that I need to take one step at a time.  He will reveal the parts as I go.  This life is a test of faith and without it you won’t have a chance.  Sometimes you don’t know which way to go, but you have to stand firm and listen to the still small voice of God to direct you.

God told me this week that I need to push passed my fear of the unknown and He will make every provision that I need.  I trust Him because He has never failed me yet.  I have been commissioned to minister to hurting women at all levels even situations that I have never experienced.  He will give me the words and prayers to pray.  God will be in the midst and it is up to Him to do the transformation not me.  I just need to keep my motivation to move!

Sometimes we lose our motivation to fear, to tiredness, to life itself.  But God is telling us now is the time to change our lives for a better (new) life.  If you can only find the motivation for each day.  Don’t worry about motivation for the entire journey, just search and get motivation for one day at a time.

My mother asked me “how do you eat an elephant”?  The answer; one bite at a time.  Allow the Lord to get you from here to there.

So find your motivation for today and listen to God for what you need to do today that will move you toward your purpose, heal you from your past, and change you from the inside out.

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa

book, Faith, God, Harvest, Healing, hope, hurting women, life, love, motivated, purpose, reap, September, sow, the butterfly journey, women, worthy


I love September!  Not only is it my birth month, but it is the time of harvest.  For farmers and gardeners this is the time to reap what they have sown into the ground.  It is literally the fruit of their labor.

In the spirit we also sow and reap.  Whether it’s good or bad.  We will all reap what we have sown into our spirits.  As one of my good friends and I were talking the other day she reminded me that I have planted seeds of faith into the spirit  and one day I will reap a harvest!  I got excited about that!  What will my fruit look like?  Will it be desirable to the eye and satisfying or will it be rotten and of no use?

As I finish up my first book, I want the words to be seeds that are planted in the hearts of hurting women near and far.  I want it to reap a harvest of healing and purpose for each person that reads it.  I have to continue to remind myself that sharing my deepest pain is not about me, but it is all about God and His healing grace.  It is about the women who will read it and feel motivated to press on to see what the future holds.  It is for that person who feels unworthy and unloved to understand their true worth in Christ.  It is for the ones who desire to live out their purpose.

So I won’t make anymore excuses that I don’t have enough time to finish the book in 2011.  I will make every effort to finish this book of seeds so that they will be planted and grow and reap a harvest of righteousness for God’s sake, not mine.

What are you sowing into your life today?  Are they seeds of goodness and love or are they seeds of discord and unrighteousness?  What will your harvest look like come harvest time?

destiny, dreams, God, journey, life, motivated, the butterfly journey


Ok world here we go!  I have wasted enough time doing things that do not bring me closer to my destiny, my dreams.  But you know what the only thing holding me back is ME!

This morning as I looked over my calendar with a sigh feeling overwhelmed before I have even got started; I reminded myself everything on there has a purpose in helping me reach my destination.

So I prayed for the physical strength to push on and to complete everything with vigor and purpose.  I had to motivate myself!  I just imaged the results of my efforts and it all is worth every moment.  The momentum is building up in me as I type this post!

God said He has a plan for my life and I must do my part to make it a reality.  It isn’t about me, it’s about my desire to give Him the glory!  It is about helping someone else along their life’s journey!  I got to move, I have to push!

I will not allow my tiredness to defeat me before I even get started.  The goal is greater than the parts.

I have been battling this weight issue (only in my mind) for a long time, but not doing anything about my health issues is pure self-defeating.  I want to reap the results, but I didn’t want to put in the work.  We all know that is not going to work.  So today it is on!  So get out of my way laziness, it’s my time to get it right.  I have work to do!

Get motivated today to begin your journey!  Pump up your desire to reap the results that you want to see.  You can do it, I know you can!  I’m cheering you on!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa