give, God, Harvest, reap, sow


Since we are on a roll with facing debt and talking about money let’s just dive right into the other aspects that we need to know and do in order to change the course of our relationship with money.  Let’s really get free!

If you are a believer I trust that you understand the principle of tithing.  If not please get wisdom from your spiritual leader.  But we will give you a basic understanding today.  God asks that we give back to Him 10% of our gross income.  He asks that we sow this tithe into the church (storehouse) that we attend.  Malachi 3:10 says – “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” It helps to advance the ministry in reaching people for God.  It also teaches us to be obedient to His principles, for our very own good.  You see when we give back what God asks of us, he promises to provide for our every need.

The principle of sowing and reaping can be understood by anyone.  When you plant something you will reap something.  If you plant a pumpkin seed you will get a pumpkin.  If you plant a thorn-bush, guess what you will not get a cherry tree.  It is the same concept with tithing, if you plant your tithe in obedience back to God, He will give you a harvest of abundance.  I know it may sound weird, but from experience I can tell you that I have never had a lack whenever I have been obedient in giving of my tithes.

I have tithed when I didn’t really know if I would have enough money to pay my bills, but I trusted God’s word and sure enough I would have what I needed when I needed it.

Now I am not trying to a theologian with all the correct words etc, but I am speaking from my heart.  If you don’t have a church home to tithe to and you’re not quite ready to move in that direction, try giving back to your community, a charity of a good cause, and see how it feels to help someone or something other than yourself.  It is a great feeling.

Day 4 Action Step – Decide today to begin to tithe your 10% into your place of worship and watch what God will do in the midst of you trusting Him!

The Butterfly Journey ~ Lisa


book, Faith, God, Harvest, Healing, hope, hurting women, life, love, motivated, purpose, reap, September, sow, the butterfly journey, women, worthy


I love September!  Not only is it my birth month, but it is the time of harvest.  For farmers and gardeners this is the time to reap what they have sown into the ground.  It is literally the fruit of their labor.

In the spirit we also sow and reap.  Whether it’s good or bad.  We will all reap what we have sown into our spirits.  As one of my good friends and I were talking the other day she reminded me that I have planted seeds of faith into the spirit  and one day I will reap a harvest!  I got excited about that!  What will my fruit look like?  Will it be desirable to the eye and satisfying or will it be rotten and of no use?

As I finish up my first book, I want the words to be seeds that are planted in the hearts of hurting women near and far.  I want it to reap a harvest of healing and purpose for each person that reads it.  I have to continue to remind myself that sharing my deepest pain is not about me, but it is all about God and His healing grace.  It is about the women who will read it and feel motivated to press on to see what the future holds.  It is for that person who feels unworthy and unloved to understand their true worth in Christ.  It is for the ones who desire to live out their purpose.

So I won’t make anymore excuses that I don’t have enough time to finish the book in 2011.  I will make every effort to finish this book of seeds so that they will be planted and grow and reap a harvest of righteousness for God’s sake, not mine.

What are you sowing into your life today?  Are they seeds of goodness and love or are they seeds of discord and unrighteousness?  What will your harvest look like come harvest time?